With every hardship there is an opportunity to grow and learn if we choose to accept it. Choosing to learn from challenging times is rarely easy and can be quite overwhelming at times. I often find myself in this place multiple times throughout this process of living my life without gluten. I have caught myself on multiple occasions saying "Haven't I learned enough already?" or "I was perfectly content with the way I was, do I really need to work on developing myself into a better individual?'. The answer is always the same, no I haven't learned enough. That is the beauty of life, that we can learn every day of our existence. And yes there is always room for improvement. Fortunately those moments of pure, utter frustration and exhaustion are short lived and once again I push forward doing my best to make the best of the hand I was dealt. We all find ourselves in these places at some point in life and if you are reading this blog there is a good chance that you are also doing your best to learn and grow as a person.
This post is an effort to share some of what I have received from this tremendous opportunity to grow. Being diagnosed with gluten sensitivity (with the possibility of an incorrect negative Celiac test) brought me to a place of extraordinary clarity. The experience of learning how to live gluten free has revealed a passion I have had since childhood there was just never the right outlet until now. That passion is nutrition. The perfect marriage of my admiration of science and my love of good food. I am now enrolled in a Master's of Science program to become a Holistic Nutrition Consultant. I am also in the process of developing my own business to support other people living with food intolerances. It is an exciting time and absolutely full of opportunity. Had I not been diagnosed and forced to face this hardship I may have never realized and then pursued my true passion. As the old quote says, "when one door closes there's always an open window". The window is wide open and the landscape it looks out on is gorgeous. I hope you find the joy in your journey as well!