Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!!!

The man had a great surprise in store for me Friday, dinner that he planned and prepared without any assistance from me. He sure knows a way into a girl's heart. To my delight he made me gluten free pizza with my favorite toppings. One of our first dates was at a wood fired pizza kitchen and until I learned I couldn't eat gluten any more going out for pizza was one of our favorite date nights. We've tried to go out still but the gluten free crust is so expensive and rarely good. After Friday night we both think we've found the perfect replacement, homemade crust using the Bob Redmill mix.

The mix is very affordable, easy to prepare and had a good texture and flavor. We added dried Italian herbs to give the crust even more depth of flavor. Topped with vegan mozzarella by Daiya, pepperoni, green pepper, onion, olives, pineapple and freshly crushed garlic it was a culinary masterpiece to behold. It is so rewarding to find those products or recipes that replace the foods that are so missed. I definitely recommend Bob's Redmill mix and hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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