Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Purge

This weekend meant a complete overhaul of my kitchen. A space in my home that for a long time meant solitude, peace, restoration, a place that ignited my creativity and brought me back to center. However, a place I had somewhat been avoiding and definitely enjoying less since I started the dietary overhaul. Every time I opened the fridge or the cupboard I was faced with one more food item I couldn't eat and a disorganization that would discourage even the most cluttered person. For weeks I have felt as though I have been on the verge of significant emotional upset; that I am not going to be able to keep the grieve and disappointment in my new found lifestyle at bay for much longer. Being visually reminded and forced to avoid temptation on a daily basis in my own kitchen was not helping matters at all.

Everything came out of the kitchen and I mean EVERYTHING. The cupboards and drawers were sanitized and each kitchen item, foods and utensils were either approved for re-entry or put in the donation pile. I was amazed at the garbage sack and grocery bags that were filling with my gluten laden food items. I had to admit how integral gluten had been to my diet and lifestyle. It was a sad process to throq away items that I had used for comfort, enjoyed or brought back nostalgic memories of when I was little. I will admit looking at my shelves suddenly scarce, I felt a bit of panic. What to eat now? How to live now? The answer? I bought several gluten free items at the store and brand new sparkling containers to put them in so they would be enticing. Then I redecorated the kitchen to echo its new clean organization. The result: a space where I feel prepared to tackle the challenge of a radical diet change, a space where I can be the culinary self I love to be. Now I can open cupboards and see opportunity for new creations instead of disappointment and temptation.

One step at a time.

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